Nevada Advisory Council Survey: Capacity Building

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To ensure that many voices throughout Nevada are considered by the Nevada Advisory Council on Federal Assistance (Grants Council), a topic-specific survey will be socialized before each quarterly meeting.

On behalf of the Council, the Grant Office thanks you for participating in this survey!

Click Here for the Survey on CAPACITY BUILDING

The survey will remain open until Tuesday, February 6 at midnight (PST).

During its quarterly 2018 meetings, the Council will be presented with survey data and hear topic-specific presentations from state agencies, local agencies, businesses, and nonprofits to better inform the Council and its potential policy and budgetary recommendations to the Governor and State Legislature:

  • February 8: Capacity Building
  • May 2: Sustainability
  • August 1: Match/IFC
  • November 7: Priority will be determined by Q1-Q3 meeting outcomes

If you’d like to be added to the Feb. 8 meeting invitation or would like more information about the Council, contact the Nevada State Grant Office at or 775.684.0156.