“Designers Available” Offers Pro Bono Design Work

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ANN is excited to share this fantastic pro bono design opportunity with our members.

If your nonprofit needs design work, Designers Available will partner you with a designer for design collaborations at no cost to your organization, and they have opened their application for 2019 project cycles. Projects will run from February-April, April-June, July-September, and September-November. They will work with you to draft a project proposal which will be shared with their network of more than 250 designers.

Designers Available connects designers interested in contributing their skills in support of nonprofits and community organizations actively facilitating social change through direct service, arts and culture, and grassroots politics and activism.

You can learn more about the initiative and their founder, Joelle, at their website — designersavailable.com. Find the application and learn more here. Feel free to contact them at info@designersavailable.com if you have additional questions.

If you’re interested in donating to the program so the designers can be compensated equitably for their time, there is an opportunity to do that as well.